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+437 9924594 info@hikeheights.com

Volunteer Programs in Nepal

Hike Heights

Make a Difference, Experience Nepal, and Grow Personally

Looking to make a positive impact while experiencing the rich culture and natural beauty of Nepal? Hike Heights proudly offers diverse volunteer programs in teaching, healthcare, community development, and women’s empowerment. As a reputed organization, we prioritize cultural immersion, personal growth, and successful volunteer experiences.

Why Volunteer with Hike Heights?

Reputation for Success: Hike Heights is renowned for creating meaningful, successful, and life-changing volunteer experiences.

Cultural Immersion: Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Nepal, interacting closely with local communities and gaining insights into their traditions.

Personal and Professional Growth: Our volunteer programs offer opportunities for significant personal and professional development, allowing you to expand your horizons and make a lasting impact.

Volunteer Teaching English in Nepal

Volunteering to teach English with Hike Heights is a rewarding opportunity to contribute to empowering education while experiencing the beauty of Nepal and engaging in cultural exchange. As a volunteer English teacher, you can inspire futures, ignite curiosity, and shape the lives of Nepali students.

Program Highlights

  1. Witness the progress and enthusiasm of students as they improve their conversational English.
  2. Immerse yourself in the local community, interact with Nepali people, and gain a deeper understanding of their traditions.
  3. Make a positive difference by fostering confidence and expanding knowledge among children.

Cultural Immersion and Education:

Volunteer teaching offers a unique opportunity for cultural immersion. Participate in cultural activities, festivals, and events, fostering a deeper appreciation for Nepali culture and broadening your global perspective.

Creating Lasting Change:

Volunteering as an English teacher in Nepal allows you to be a part of creating lasting change in Nepali communities. By empowering individuals with English language skills, you contribute to overall community development and progress.

Requirements for Volunteer Teaching English in Nepal

To volunteer as an English teacher with Hike Heights, fluency in written and spoken English is essential. Additionally, possessing patience, a genuine desire to teach, and a passion for helping children are highly valuable qualities.

Challenges and Rewards

Teaching English as a volunteer in Nepal comes with challenges, but the rewards and personal growth are immeasurable. Overcoming cultural adjustments and building relationships with students and fellow volunteers lead to significant personal development.

Program Dates and Duration

The volunteer teaching English program offers flexible dates and durations, allowing you to choose a period that aligns with your availability and commitment. Whether you can spare a few weeks or several months, your contribution as a volunteer English teacher will be valued and impactful.

Suggestions for Volunteer English Teachers

As a volunteer English teacher in Nepal, you can enhance your teaching experience by bringing along teaching materials that align with your chosen subjects. Picture books, instruments, flashcards, art supplies, and songs can enrich your lessons and create engaging learning experiences for the students. Additionally, maintaining a good sense of humor and a positive attitude will help you overcome challenges and create a conducive learning environment.

Meals and Accommodations

During your volunteer program, meals and accommodations will be provided by Hike Heights Breakfast typically consists of a cup of tea and biscuits, served at 6:30 am. Lunch, which usually includes dal/Bhat (rice, lentils, and vegetables), is served between 9:00 and 9:30 am. Dinner, once again comprising dal/Bhat, is served at 6:30 to 7:00 pm. Although the food is simple, it is delicious and filling. Accommodations are provided in simple rooms with beds.

Teaching Locations in Nepal

Helping Hands Nepal offers teaching placements in various locations throughout Nepal. Whether you prefer the vibrant city of Kathmandu, the scenic beauty of Pokhara, or the cultural richness of Dhading,  there are opportunities to teach English in diverse settings. You can choose a location based on your preferences and the type of experience you seek. Teaching in different locations allows you to immerse yourself in different communities, explore unique landscapes, and contribute to the development of various Nepali communities.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to volunteering as an English teacher in Nepal:

  1. Why should I choose to volunteer in Nepal with Hike Heights?

Hike Heights provides a well-structured volunteer program that focuses on empowering education, cultural exchange, and making a lasting impact in Nepali communities. By volunteering as an English teacher, you have the opportunity to contribute to the education and personal growth of Nepali students, while immersing yourself in the vibrant culture of Nepal.

  1. How can I become an English teacher volunteer in Nepal?

To become an English teacher volunteer in Nepal, you can apply through Hike Heights’s website or contact their volunteer coordinator. They will provide you with the necessary information, application process, and guide you through the requirements.

  1. Can I volunteer in Nepal?

Yes, volunteering in Nepal is open to individuals from around the world who are passionate about education, cultural exchange, and making a difference in the lives of others. Hike Heights welcomes volunteers from diverse backgrounds and nationalities.

  1. Do I need a degree to volunteer teach English in Nepal?

While a degree is not a strict requirement, fluency in written and spoken English is essential. Having a degree in English or Education can be beneficial, but it is not mandatory to participate in the volunteer teaching program.

  1. Can I teach English without experience?

Yes, you can teach English as a volunteer in Nepal even without prior teaching experience. What matters most is your enthusiasm, patience, and genuine desire to help and teach children. Helping Hands Nepal provides support and guidance to volunteers, including orientation and resources to assist in the teaching process.

  1. What are the qualifications for a volunteer English teacher in Nepal?

The primary qualification for a volunteer English teacher in Nepal is fluency in written and spoken English. Additionally, having good communication skills, adaptability, and a positive attitude are valuable attributes for a successful teaching experience.

  1. Where can I teach English during my volunteer in Nepal?

Volunteers have the opportunity to teach English in various locations in Nepal, including Kathmandu, Dhading, and Pokhara. Based on your preferences and the program’s availability, you can choose a location that aligns with your interests and goals.

  1. What does a typical teaching day look like during my volunteer in Nepal?

A typical teaching day varies depending on the school or institution you are assigned to. Generally, classes run six days a week, with four to six class periods per day. There is usually a break for lunch, and you may have the opportunity to teach subjects beyond English, such as math, science, music, geography, art, or dance.

  1. What is the cost for teaching English as a volunteer in Nepal?

The cost of the volunteer teaching program in Nepal may vary depending on the duration of your stay and the specific inclusions provided by Hike Heights. It is best to visit their website or contact them directly to get detailed information about program fees, which typically cover accommodation, meals, orientation, and support throughout your volunteer experience.

Finally, Volunteering to teach English in Nepal through Hike Heights  is a transformative experience that combines empowering education, cultural exchange, and personal growth. By becoming a volunteer English teacher, you can make a real difference in the lives of Nepali students, inspire futures, and create lasting change in Nepali communities. The opportunity to experience Nepal’s beauty, immerse yourself in its culture, and engage with its people adds depth and richness to your volunteer journey.

Join Hike Heights today and embark on a meaningful adventure of teaching, learning, and cultural immersion in the breathtaking landscapes of Nepal.

Volunteer in a Orphanage in Nepal

If you’re searching for a meaningful way to give back, volunteering in an orphanage in Nepal is an excellent option. The country has faced its fair share of challenges, including civil unrest and poverty, which have resulted in thousands of orphaned and abandoned children.

Hike Heights  recognized the need to provide these children with basic necessities like food, shelter, education, and security. As a volunteer, you can play a critical role in helping to meet these needs and promoting positive growth and development in these children.

Volunteering in an orphanage in Nepal is a unique opportunity to make a positive impact while experiencing the breathtaking beauty and friendly culture of the country. Your contributions, no matter how small, can help these children grow into happy, healthy, and productive members of society.

As an orphanage volunteer in Nepal, you’ll have the chance to teach Basic English, assist with school subjects, promote personal hygiene, take children on outings, and engage them in extracurricular activities. Your kindness and love can go a long way in helping these children overcome the challenges they face.

So if you’re passionate about making a difference in the lives of orphaned and abandoned children, consider volunteering in a Nepal orphanage. Your efforts will be deeply appreciated and will have a lasting impact on the lives of these deserving children.

Overall, volunteering for orphans is the most memorable & soul-satisfying experience; you will be compelled to re-visit these children again & again.

Volunteer in Orphans includes: Volunteering at an orphanage home

Requirements: There are no specific requirements for the program other than fluency in written and spoken English. However the best things you can have are patience and a genuine desire to teach and help the children.

Program Dates: Are very flexible, the minimum time for the program is 2 weeks and the maximum length of stay is 5 months.

Suggestions: Depending on the subject, volunteers can bring along teaching materials such as picture books, instruments, flash cards, art supplies, and songs. (And a good sense of humor!)

Meals: Breakfast occurs at 6:30 am and consists of a cup of tea and biscuits. Lunch is served at 9:00 to 9:30 am and is usually dal/bhat (rice, lentils, and vegetables). Dinner is at 6:30 to 7:00pm and is once more Dal/Bhat. The food is very simple but also extremely tasty and filling.

Accommodations: A simple room with a bed. We advise you to bring Sleeping bag and mosquito net with you or you can always by here which is 2-3 times cheaper than back home.

Locations: Kathmandu, Chitwan, Dhading  Pokhara (If needed we can arrange placement all over Nepal)


Cultural Exchange Program

The Cultural Exchange Program (CEP) is an opportunity to both learn from different cultural practices. One of the greatest things you will realize after studying Nepali culture is that happiness depends more upon relationships and social bonding than the material aspects. When you live with the rural people and see their hardships, you would suddenly feel grateful for all the comforts and facilities back homes.

This program lets you to experience the multicultural, multilingual and multi ethnic society of Nepal. Whatever the place you.

              Women’s Issues in Nepal

Although women constitute more than half of the country’s population, Nepal is considered to be one of the worst places in the world to be born as a woman. Especially, in the field of maternal mortality, Nepal’s performance has been pathetic. The female to male income ratio is 50:100, and the average literacy rate for females is 35%, in some part the literacy rate among the women being the nil!

The girls are still married at below ten years of age in some communities, and in some even before they are born! The median age for marriage still comes at an age of 17. Moreover, perhaps Nepal is one of world’s largest suppliers of women and girl children for sexual purpose – most of them being trafficked to the India brothels.

The issues related to women, however, have been identified in most of the case. There are hundreds of national and international organizations working in the medical, legal, social, political, and economic empowerment of women. Most of the organizations work through or by coordinating through Nepal Government’s Ministry of Women and Social Welfare. Still, given the magnitude of the problems related to women and girl children, immense work needs to be done in every sector.

Volunteers, especially, the female volunteers have been helping Nepali women through various organizations in Kathmandu and elsewhere in counseling and the empowering the women in need. You can also offer your expertise through community workshops on educating and training the local communities.